Who drives to San Diego for a book sale? WE DO! Any excuse to get some fresh air and a change of scenery is an instant yes. We had so much fun that Bri went to bed at 6pm! So where did we go? What did we do? Find out below!


I Feel Judged

We kicked off our San Diego road trip with a trip to THEE Bucks for some fuel for Ginger and to wake Bri up at that ungodly hour. Let me tell you—we had the best moment with our barista. (Show yourself!) First he complimented (?) our matching sherpa jackets, in which we did not plan. He proceeded to ask where we were heading to and Ginger replied with a book sale! He paused and HAD THE AUDACITY TO ASK IF WE ACTUALLY READ OR JUST USE BOOKS FOR AESTHETICS. No one took offense, but we laughed so hard and then he called Bri a nerd while dropping his scanning gun device. We both then laughed at him and told him that’s what he gets for making fun of us and then he gave us a free drink. It was the best start to our trip. What’s even better? Ginger caught most of it on video!


Restroom Debacles

When we got to the sale we saw the huge line and immediately thought to get a drink or snack to keep us company. We stopped at Subterranean Coffee Boutique when we tried the berry smoothie. It was delish! However, we both had to go upon arrival and Ginger accidentally locked their bathroom key in the bathroom which set off a good amount of laughs from Bri and a nervous Ginger who had to tell the baristas the situation. It would have been funny to watch for sure!

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Bargain Queens

We waited in line for an hour and spent that time people watching, talking about dogs, this website and other fun things. It was nice to stand outside enjoying the fresh air. More on the sale and the bookstore on Bri’s post!

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Taco Bae

It wouldn’t be a Bri & Ginger trip without some sort of Mexican food. (Duh.) Let us just take a moment for the spread of food we ordered. We both enjoyed City Tacos, and unanimously decided the chorizo tacos were the best and agreed the elote need a little less mayo and more Tajin for sure. The salsas were so flavorful too—so much that Bri didn’t have to bring out her Cholula packets from her purse. ;)

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Lost, Send Help

After we inhaled tacos we ventured off to find the ocean. Our goal was to find it without using Google Maps….and failed. Once we got there it was a relaxing moment of watching the boats go by and laughing again at our matching sherpa jackets.

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December Playlist